Tuesday, March 17, 2015

And the Fit Break Comes to an End...by: Zay

Spring Break is over...and it's back to work. However, I enjoyed all the hiking, and trails we took over Spring Break, I want to continue doing it. To end Spring Break we took an extra long hike. Friday, we hit up the 'Rails to Trails' here in town. Seth and I parked behind a store here in town, we ended up walking around 4 miles to get to the State Park. The trail was pretty neat, it went behind old factories, a Vietnam Memorial, over the interstate and then up a hill into the State Park. We ended up walking another mile back to the Vietnam Memorial to meet my mom, she had to pick us up because we had plans with the parents to head out to the lease. (That doesn't sound country at all ;-)). By 1:30 I was well over my 10,000 steps. We had a great time and it's definitely a trail I want to take again, maybe today perhaps?

After our hike, we headed out to the lease with my parents. We spent the afternoon riding around in the ranger, checking the deer feeders (yep I'm from Texas y'all ;-)), and just enjoying the beautiful day.

Saturday, we had a birthday party to attend. It was fun and I got a lot of steps in--we spent all afternoon and then that night venturing around Sundance Square...but the next day wasn't so grand. I spent Sunday in bed :-/. Now it's back to work and back to being busy, but that only means Summer Break and our Wedding Day are getting closer. Now for the real challenge, of cleaning my diet up even more!

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