Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's been Forever...Again...By: Zayle

This pregnancy thing, has got to be one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful, but it is tough!

I never thought I would be pregnant, or I thought that the journey would be really long. I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years ago, Seth and I decided we would start trying early because we wanted to get pregnant shortly after we got married. The doctor warned us that it would take some time and we would most likely have to see a specialist. He wanted us to try for three months and if we didn't get pregnant, then we would start looking at different options. Never in a million years did I think that we would end up pregnant that first try. I most definitely wasn't wanting to be pregnant before the wedding, but looking at it now it fell at the absolute perfect time--when I give birth I'll actually be on a month long break from grad school. This pregnancy is a miracle, and it must be meant to be.

However, this miracle, is incredibly trying on a girl who has suffered from eating disorders for years. Seeing my weight go up on the scale has been almost unbearable. I have already gained 7 pounds...the amount of weight you should gain the first trimester is 1-5 pounds. I know that this has a lot to do with my eating, it is tough to eat anything healthy these days. The thought of chicken or fish makes me want to run to the toilet. Carbs seem to be my best friend at keeping some of the nausea at bay...but obviously not my friend when it comes to the scale. I've also been so incredibly sick that I haven't been able to keep up with my workouts, it's all I can do just to get to work every morning. I battle feeling queasy all day long. Knowing I'll be on the beach in two weeks has me wanting to run for the hills. I'm dreading my wedding!

There are days I don't want to leave the house or go anywhere, I try to dodge my friends outside of work because I am embarrassed of what I look like. I weigh more now than I did in high school when I was called 'rolly-poley' by my "friends". Not only do I feel fat, but I cannot stand Seth. I went from loving the guy, to hating everything about him--his breath, his posture, his hair...I mean the list goes on and on. I feel like a grumpy little oompa loompa....

Aside from all that, I have two weeks left of my first trimester...today marks my 10th week of pregnancy.  I am trying to keep my mind off the weight gain (it's hard) and trying to remember that I am carrying a tiny little miracle. I would have killed for this before, and now need to be happy about it. I cannot wait until I finally have a little baby bump, so I can truly feel pregnant. Here's a couple of my "bump" pics from weeks 8 and 9...and a little pregnancy survey.

How far along? 10 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: Even though I've been incredibly sick..I've gained 7 pounds :-/
Maternity clothes? Not yet...I have had to use the rubberband trick for my size 24 jeans

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Tired all the time! I could sleep for days...but have a terrible time getting comfortable at night

Best moment this week: Shopping with Seth and getting some flowy clothes to feel more comfortable in.

Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: Cherry Coke, Bread, Peanut Butter

Gender: ??? Everyone thinks it's a girl & we have been given quite a lot of girl gifts.

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

What I miss: Being able to control my weight...mojitos!

What I am looking forward to:Getting my bump

Weekly Wisdom: I found that the healthier I am able to eat, the less sick I feel the next day.

Milestones: I only feel sick every other day now...and have been able to slowly start to workout again. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

My Big Fat Pregnancy By: Zayle

I really envy those people who have fabulous pregnancies, and love every second of it. I wouldn't wish for a minute to lose this pregnancy, but this business is AWFUL! Pregnancy sucks! I had every intention of staying on track with my working out and eating super healthy...until my ALL DAY sickness got in the way. I feel like I have the flu and some crazy stomach virus all in one. I should also probably be locked up, because I'm a complete mental case!

I've tried my best to eat healthy, and have some of the things I've been eating below. BUT these have even changed, just looking at that ranch makes me want to vomit. I cannot handle meat right now either, so I've tried to come up with other ways to get my protein in. Right now I'm really loving Orowheat sandwich thins in the morning, with two teaspoons of peanut butter and egg whites with swiss cheese. I have to eat every two hours, sometimes less, or I'm sick. For snacks I enjoy cottage cheese, fruit, and was enjoy veggies with ranch until today. I've been having a Herbalife shake with dark chocolate almond milk for lunch, and am going to be trying veggie burgers for dinner this week. You would think with how sick I've been I would have lost weight, but no I've gained! I feel so bloated and uncomfortable all the time...apparently this can be normal, but I feel like a whale.

I've also been the meanest lady around. I literally cannot stand Seth, I've heard this is normal too, but I feel awful! Everything he does drives me insane...and can we talk about his breath?! (ALONG with every other person's in the world)...things that I used to not mind, smell awful now and make me gag. I cannot stand the cat food, or my makeup...and any kind of meat product...forget about it. I don't even know who my body belongs to anymore...but it isn't me. I feel like a complete alien, and cannot wait to get to the second trimester!!!

Aside from all the craziness, we did get to go to the OB the other day (and I got some pills for nausea, which help a bit but take some time to kick in) Baby is due December 22. Tomorrow it will be the size of a large raspberry and will finally not have a tail anymore. Only one more week of being an embryo for Baby Riddle.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Back to reality: Cortney

So, I would love to stay that my new husband and I have been enjoying marital bliss in our apartment however, the day we came home from out honeymoon we discovered they was a huge insect infestation in our building. While in a panic I called out apartment manage and informed her of the problem, who very rudely stated, "oh well you know, sorry." This did not go over well with me, after FOUR complaints they finally sent pest control today... Needless to say we haven't been able to stay at our apartment since coming home. I can not wait until October when we will be done with apartment life forever. So, the new husband and I, and our fur babies, have been staying with my mom. Meal prep has almost been impossible which leave me making breakfast, lunches and dinners each night. Between catching up after being gone over a week from work, dealing with the apartments, home visits, and pretty much still living out of out suitcases, I am completely 100% over this week and I am counting down the seconds until Friday at 6:00pm. Ok, done with the ranting 
Heathy eating this week has been going pretty well and I must say that I am proud of myself for staying on track considering how this week has gone. Now, working out? I could definitely be doing a whole lot better this week, not that I haven't gotten some excerise in but I know I could push myself a whole lot more. 

Dear Next Week,
I plan on kicking your ass with working out and meal prepping, so be prepared!!!

Cortney xoxo

Saturday, May 2, 2015

MIA too long by: Cortney

Sorry I have been MIA for a long time between work, school, and getting MARRIED... I lost track of time. Speaking of getting married, Matt and I were married in a small ceremony on 4/24/15 and honeymooned in beautiful Colorado. We got married with very short notice and did not tell many people it was short, simple, inexpensive, and perfect. The rings are simple and totally fit our personalities, and we are so excited to start our new lives together. 

Now, there was plenty of bad eating on our honeymoon, and I'm super excited to start round 2 of 21 day fix Monday, I've already stocked up on all meal prepping items. Although the eating wasn't on point 100% we did a lot of hiking and I managed to sneak this goal day in 
Now I'm ready to get my butt in gear and get closer to my goals, with my birthday slowly approaching, and a Cabo trip planned for November, I'm going to be super focused and keep my eye on the prize.

I'm also super excited for my bestie and her new bundle of joy on the way, in already thinking of baby shower ideas.

I promise I won't go MIA again, and I will blog my new prep Monday night =)