It's official, I'm sick! I went to boot camp yesterday morning, in hopes of making it to my fitbit goal of burning 2,184 calories. I got soooo close on Monday! However, by the end of the day my entire body was aching...from being incredibly sore from pull ups, skull crushers...and every other thing we did in bootcamp, but also from being sick. I took my temperature and I had a low grade fever, so I decided to lay off my afternoon workouts. When I woke up this morning, I felt worse. My temperature had risen to 100.1. So no bootcamp for me today. Getting sick couldn't come at a worse time, with Spring Break lurking just around the corner :-/...and my engagement pics coming up. Which means my nutrition has to be spot on...and it hasn't! I don't know about you, but when I'm sick all I want is junk...and I have been splurging on animal crackers...OOPS! So it's time to clean that up and get some rest so I'll be in tip top shape ASAP! I've added in my fitbit data for the last few days. I had my goal set to lose 1 lb. a week, but moved it to 2 lbs. just for these next two weeks. I realize the calorie count is low and isn't something to continue to stay healthy.
My workouts consisted of zumba exhilarate and insanity cardio power & resistance
Over target in the food category yesterday, but since I was under target on Monday, maybe that equals out? My workout for today was one hour of bootcamp! Arms and suicides, talk about sore city.
Now for today, I'm going to have to be easy on my body, but hoping to get my steps in by walking at a slower pace on the treadmill, if and only if I feel like I can manage!
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